For simple wills our standard hourly charge out rate is £110 per hour. Routine telephone calls and outgoing letters and emails are charged at £11 each, incoming emails and letters are charged at £6 each. VAT is also payable where applicable. We do not charge for emails forwarded to you without comments attached. For more complex wills our fees are 50% higher.
For most simple wills we will usually be able to give a firm estimate:
Single wills are usually charged at £50-£90 (plus VAT)*
Mirror (joint) wills are usually charged at £90-£150 (plus VAT), i.e. £45-75 (plus VAT) each*
* Prices vary depending on the contents of your will. Get in touch for a no obligation estimate.
Things that to many people seem simple but may increase the costs of the will substantially include:
Leaving property to someone for their lifetime and then on their death the property is to be sold and the proceeds split between named beneficiaries.
Wanting the will to deal with property abroad.
Leaving a specific house or flat with provisions if it is sold.