Commercial Leases
Our fees for a commercial lease sale are usually between £895-£1,800 plus VAT plus disbursements, if any. If a licence to assign is needed, it is likely to be nearer the higher end of the estimate. You may also have to pay the landlord’s fees which are likely to be charged at a substantially higher hourly rate than ours.
Our fees for a commercial lease purchase are usually between £1,200-£2,200 plus VAT plus disbursements if any. If a licence to assign is needed, it is likely to be nearer the higher end of the estimate. The only likely disbursements we are aware of will be the local search fee (please check the “Land Charges fees” section of the website of the local authority in which the property is situated), stamp duty (see for Stamp Duty information) and Land Registry fees.
Our standard hourly charge out rate is £180 per hour. Routine telephone calls and outgoing letters and emails are charged at £18 each, incoming emails and letters are charged at £9 each. We do not charge for emails forwarded to you without comments attached. VAT is also payable where applicable.
A higher hourly rate may be charged for some matters where they are complex or high risk, e.g. because of the amount involved or the complexity, but we will specifically advise you if this is the case.
We will accept instructions without receiving any payment on account but on a purchase we will require £600 on account of our costs before we start going through any of the documentation involved, for example the lease. We will also need the search fee to be paid on account if a local search is required.